Helping Poor People In Islam (Part 1)

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The religion of Islam is a religion of unity and solidarity. No religion and belief system when Islam gave as much significance to solidarity and aiding as Islam did and rehearsed this comprehension of solidarity and helping. In no network today are individuals who share a typical life and future in a similar dimension; nor were they ever. The frail and the strong, the rich and poor people, and so on structure a complexity and an amicability in the human networks. This assorted variety/differentiate in nature shapes the wellspring of a development, which we call “life”. Because of this common decent variety, individuals in public activity need each other. A rich individual wants to apply to a needy individual and a resilient individual to a frail individual in regards to a few issues. That individuals need each other demonstrates the need of helping each other.

On the off chance that we think about that everything from philanthropy to delicate words and treating individuals mercifully are incorporated into the extent of exemplary nature and devotion, we will see better how wide our religion respects the extent of solidarity.

They can be recorded as pursues:

  1. Poor people will be secured through making a difference. On the off chance that their material needs are met, they will be kept from submitting terrible deeds. For, destitution and starvation lead individuals with powerless qualities to terrible deeds like burglary and foul play.
  2. Friendship and love will happen between the individuals who help and who are made a difference. The general population who are helped in the network will dispose of awful emotions like disdain, jealousy and animosity; they won’t have their eyes on the abundance of the rich. For, the poor realize that they give the poor their rights and help the general population around them by complying with the request of the religion.
  3. The individuals who are helped by their Muslim siblings when they are stuck in an unfortunate situation and experience hardship will attempt to work and to be the general population that give rather than the general population that take. In this manner, a race for goodness will begin in the network.
  4. Zakah, sadaqah and the other budgetary backings will turn into the most significant factor that will make Muslims solid and in solidarity. It is hard to think about an eager individual being in a similar column as a rich individual with the sentiments of adoration and society. Helping will close the hole between the rich and the poor alongside building up a power of profound devotion and regard.
  5. The sentiment of companionship will be solid in a network where helping each other is boundless; riches and welfare will build; beggary, which isn’t viewed as decent by our religion, will vanish; haram deeds like burglary and misrepresentation will be limited.

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Helping Poor People In Islam (Part 2)

Helping Poor People In Islam (Part 3)